Sometimes a wheel was off the ground, it seemed, for many yards; sometimes a stone was sent spinning over the hedge, and flinty sparks from the horse's hoofs outshone the daylight. 有时候,马车有一个轮子离开了地面,好像跑出去好几码远;有时候,马车又带起一块石子,旋转着飞过树篱;马蹄踏在燧石上,火花飞溅出来,比日光还亮。
Gravel has a wonderful habit of sending your back wheel flying off into a random direction like a bucking horse, while sand just brings the entire bike – and rider – to a halt. 碎石有一个奇妙的特点&它会使你的自行车后轮突然转到别的方向,就像突然跃起的马一样。然而沙子只会让整辆车子和骑手停下来。